Konkret kan du have set en nederlandsk eksportnummerplade (uitvoerkenteken). De har køretøjets hidtidige registreringsnummeret vist i sort på en hvid baggrund. Det er ofte lavet på mere eller mindre interimistisk vis. De er gyldige i 14 dage.
Omkring det generelle er der flere forskellige spørgsmål, som man bør se på separat.
Nationalitetsmærket skal være en hvid oval med hjemlandets nationale kendingsbogstaver i sort ført bag på køretøjet. Hvis begge lande er i EU, er det dog tilstrækkeligt hvis nummerpladerne har blåt felt med EU-symbol og nationale kendingsbogstaver. Hvis begge lande har undertegnet Wienerkonventionen om vejtrafik, er det tilstrækkeligt med nationale kendingsbogstaver på nummmerpladen evt. med nationalt symbol eller symbol for en organisation for regional økonomisk integration (dvs. EU, Mercosur etc.).
- Kode: Vælg alt
3. When the distinguishing sign is incorporated into the registration plate(s), the following conditions shall apply:
(a) The letters shall have a height of at least 0.02 m, taking as a reference a registration plate of 0.11 m.;
(b) (i) The distinguishing sign of the State of registration, which may be supplemented where applicable by the flag or emblem of the State or the emblem of the regional economic integration organization to which the country belongs, shall be displayed on the far left or right of the rear registration plate, but preferably on the left or the far upper left on plates where the number takes up two lines;
(ii) When, in addition to the distinguishing sign, a non-numerical symbol and/or a flag and/or a regional or local emblem is displayed on the registration plate, the distinguishing sign of the State of registration shall obligatorily be placed on the far left of the plate;
(c) The flag or emblem supplementing where applicable the distinguishing sign of the State of registration shall be positioned so that it cannot impair the legibility of the distinguishing sign and shall preferably be placed above it;
(d) The distinguishing sign of the State of registration shall be positioned so as to be easily identifiable and so that it cannot be confused with the registration number or impair its legibility. The distinguishing sign shall therefore be at least of a different colour from the registration number, or have a different background colour to that reserved for the registration number, or be clearly separated, preferably by a line, from the registration number;
(e) For the registration plates of motorcycles and their trailers and/or for registration plates taking up two lines, the size of the letters of the distinguishing sign as well as, where applicable, the size of the national flag or emblem of the State of registration or the symbol of the regional economic integration organization which the country belongs to may be appropriately modified;
(f) The provisions of this paragraph shall apply according to the same principles to the front registration plate of the vehicle when this plate is obligatory.
Derudover skal nummerpladen og den registrering den afspejler, være anerkendt af hjemlandet. Nogle nummerplade/registreringstyper er - set fra hjemlandets side - ikke gyldige i udlandet. Det kan fx skyldes at den anvendelse de dækker, ikke muliggør kørsel i udlandet, at den tilhørende forsikring ikke gælder i udlandet, eller at de tilhørende registreringspapirer ikke overholder de internationale regler.
Endelig skal nummerpladen opfylde nogle mere formelle krav om anbringelse, tal, bogstaver og læsbarhed.